Is Gun Control Necessary In America ?

Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.   In America, gun control has been a constant issue in politics and personal beliefs especially with all the deaths caused by senseless gun violence such … Continue reading Is Gun Control Necessary In America ?

Alzheimer’s, Is There a Possible Cure ?

Alzheimer's, senile dementia, is the most common form of dementia (a term that mean memory lost). It mainly affects people of 65 years or older. Over time the symptoms worsen from mild memory lost to incapability to hold a conversation and respond to their surroundings. Alzheimer is most likely caused by tiny and dense proteins … Continue reading Alzheimer’s, Is There a Possible Cure ?

Donald Trump wants Hillary Clinton to run against him in 2020

As you all know the election that happened in 2016, was very unfair. Donald Trump is excited to run for President again in 2020 ad especially against Hillary Clinton. Trump wants to run against Clinton again just to prove he'll win again. Since President Trump has been in office we've had threats from North Korea, … Continue reading Donald Trump wants Hillary Clinton to run against him in 2020

Charlottesville: Warrant issued for Deandre Harris

In August Charlottesville erupted into chaos. White supremacists began to protest in hopes of creating a race war. The riots contained of Neo-nazis, KKK members, and numerous white supremacy groups. The protest resulted in one death of Heather Heyer's, a 32-year-old legal assistant with a law firm in Virginia, who repeatedly championed civil rights issues on … Continue reading Charlottesville: Warrant issued for Deandre Harris