Babara Pierce Bush 1925-2018

Barbara bush died Tuesday, April 17th 2018. The former First Lady, and national grandmother was 92 years old. She died in her west Houston home due to COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To cherish her memory she leaves 5 children, a husband and 14 grandchildren. Her viewing and funeral is set to be this weekend, … Continue reading Babara Pierce Bush 1925-2018

Serena Williams Is Now A Mom!

Serena Williams, world famous tennis player, is now a mother. Williams gave birth to her first child September 1st 2017.  She named her daughter Alexis Olympia Ohanian jr, after her father, Alexis Ohanian. “Her name is very interesting, its rare for a girl to be a Junior.” says Andrea Brown, the journalism teacher at Jack Yates … Continue reading Serena Williams Is Now A Mom!