We’re now in the month of April, and there has been a total of 20 school’s shootings. There has to be a failure in school safety. How can something like this continue to happen? We need reinforcement! we need to do everything we can in order to ensure student’s safety. Before someone decided to do anything, there is a decision process, they create a plan, something is done before they make a final decision. We can’t disregard anything our students say,  we can’t disregard any student’s actions. Everything must be taken serious, and the appropriate action must be executed.

What kids carry to school can be a big factor in school shootings, faculty and staff must be able to see what students have in their bags and not even allow purses that are bigger than a normal hand bag. Make sure there is no possibility for them to have a weapon in their possession.  Strict enforcement is required, kid cannot ignore this rule. It’ll be much easier to catch something out of place if bags were clear or see through.

Every joke has some percentage of truth in it; before the terrible shooting in Florida student were talking about how the person convicted was obsessed with guns and they joked “He’ll be the one that’ll shoot up a school one day”. We shouldn’t let things like this go over our heads. How is a statement like this funny or anything to joke about? This could’ve been easily  prevented if teacher were paying attention to students and acting appropriate .

Parents are always concern about their child’s health and safety. It is highly important to reinforce safety within our schools. There is so much that can be done, It’s up to the schools and communities to take action. Never again should we see students and teachers  on the new saying “ I never thought this would happen to us”

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