Second Amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


In America, gun control has been a constant issue in politics and personal beliefs especially with all the deaths caused by senseless gun violence such as gangs, school shootings, suicide, and etc.

An example would be the most recent school shooting, at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In the shooting, seventeen people were killed in total fourteen students and three staff members.

Immediately after victims of the shooting were giving speeches and making protests about how they personally felt about guns and how they feel the second amendment should be changed or edited in modern times. Their protesting led to a movement on social media which led to the “March For Our Lives” which had support from regular to stars such as Kim Kardashian, Amy Schumer, Paul McCartney etc by actually being there and others such as Yara Shahidi, Selena Gomez, and Taylor Swift supported by donating or posting awareness.

Although there are many reasons to get rid of or reduce the use of guns there are many people that feel as if the second amendment should be left alone and everyone should have access to guns.

One idea presented was that instead of banning guns altogether and violate the second amendment we should instead ban live round ammunition and switch to a non-lethal approach which would be rubber bullets. Considering that it is a non-lethal weapon it is still a deadly weapon none the less with the potential to kill.

However, others feel as if that wouldn’t be enough and we just need to restrict access to guns altogether. A few arguments for control are; reducing gun control would reduce all the unnecessary deaths from gun violence and it’s also been proven that in countries such as Australia where there are more restrictive gun laws there has been a dramatic decrease in suicides and mass shootings.




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